
FDA Approves Natrelle 410 Silicone Implant

The approval of Natrelle’s highly cohesive anatomically shaped silicone implants gives doctors and patients an alternative choice when it comes to choosing the right implant. “The FDA approval of Natrelle 410 shaped gel implants provides an important new alternative to traditional round implants for women considering breast augmentation, reconstruction or revision surgery,” said David E.I. Pyott, Allergan’s Chairman of the Board, President and Chief Executive Officer. “TheNatrelle 410 is the most selected shaped gel implant in markets where the product is already available, such as Europe and Canada. We are pleased that the FDA has recognized the benefits and safety of the Natrelle 410, and has now made the product available as an additional option for women in the United States.”

The Natrelle 410 shaped gel implant is made to mimic the slope of the breast and is filled with a highly cohesive silicone gel, which is designed to allow the implant to hold its shape over time while still remaining soft to the touch. The new implants are a great option for patients over the age of 22 wanting a more natural looking silicone gel implant. The highly cohesive gel contained within the implant has a less likely chance of leaking in the case of an implant rupture. You can read more about Allergan’s newest FDA approval by following the link.