
Dr. Teotia Featured on eHealth Radio Network to Discuss Tummy Tucks 

Tummy Tuck Insights with Dr. Stephanie Teotia

Dr. Stephanie Teotia, Dallas’ best female plastic surgeon, shares her extensive knowledge on tummy tucks, providing invaluable insights into this popular procedure. She explains what a tummy tuck involves and how it is performed, addressing common patient concerns. Key discussion points include: the specifics of what a tummy tuck achieves, the differences between a tummy tuck and liposuction, the longevity and maintenance of tummy tuck results, post-surgery expectations and recovery preparation, and managing scarring after the procedure.

They cover:

  1. What does a tummy tuck do exactly?
  2. What is the difference between tummy tuck and liposuction?
  3. How long do tummy tuck results last, and how can they be prolonged?
  4. What should be expected after a tummy tuck, and how should one prepare for recovery?
  5. What kind of scarring is to be expected after a tummy tuck, and what can be done about it?

If you have questions or would like to set up a consultation for a tummy tuck call 214-823-9652, or fill out our consultation form