
What Kind of Scarring to Expect with a Breast Lift

A customized breast lift procedure is designed to lift, tighten, and reposition the breasts and areolas to create a more youthful appearance. One of the main concerns patients often want to discuss before undergoing their surgery is what to expect from the scarring from a breast lift. Breast lift scars will vary depending on where the incision lines are made and how many are created. In this blog, we’ll provide information on what the scars from various breast lift techniques will look like and provide you with helpful tips on how to help them fade.

What Types of Scars Are Common After a Breast Lift?

The type of breast lift technique performed will be the defining factor in determining the extent of your scar. Dr. Stephanie Teotia performs four incision types:

  • Periareolar, “donut” or Benelli: A circular scar around the areolas
  • Crescent: A half-circle scar around the top of the areolas
  • Vertical or “lollipop”: A scar around the areolas and straight down to the crease below the breast
  • Inverted T or “anchor”: A scar that extends straight from the areola down along the crease below the breast

How Long Will Scarring Last Following a Breast Lift?

Immediately following a breast lift procedure, the scars from the incisions will be more prominent as they need time to heal. Over time, scars will usually fade from dark purple or red to slightly lighter than your skin tone, making them significantly less prominent. However, it can take months or up to a year for scars to lighten and fade until they are hardly noticeable.

What Factors Influence the Severity of Scars from Breast Lifts?

The extent and visibility of scarring can vary from patient to patient depending on many factors, including the surgical technique used, genetics, and skin characteristics. Additionally, experienced plastic surgeons will do their best to place incisions in a hidden or camouflaged location to help reduce visible scarring. Lastly, many treatment options can help minimize the appearance of scars if they fail to fade on their own.

Are There Different Scarring Outcomes Based on Skin Type?

Yes, your unique skin type will impact how your skin heals. According to the Fitzpatrick Scale, there are six different skin types—one is the fairest, and six is the darkest. Your skin type can affect many factors, including how prone you are to wrinkles and other visible signs of aging, the likelihood of developing acne, and how well scars heal. Patients should notify their surgeon if they have a history of keloids or hypertrophic scars. 

What Precautions Can Reduce Scarring After a Breast Lift?

While it may not be possible to avoid scars entirely, there are several precautions you can take to help minimize the appearance of breast lift scars:

  • Find an experienced surgeon. A skilled and experienced surgeon will know how to make incisions strategically to minimize their visibility.
  • Follow all post-procedure instructions. Thoroughly adhere to your surgeon’s post-operative instructions on wound care, activity limitations, and proper attire.
  • Sun exposure. Protecting your scars from sun exposure by wearing clothing that covers the affected area can make a dramatic difference in how well your scars heal. Wear UV protective swimwear.
  • Massaging the scar tissue regularly after the incision is healed is often recommended by many surgeons. This can help break down scar tissue and promote smoother healing.
  • Quit smoking. Smoking restricts blood circulation, which can slow down the body’s healing process and increase your risk of complications. Quit smoking for a year before your procedure.
  • Establish and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Staying hydrated and eating a diet of nutritious foods can significantly support the body’s healing abilities and skin health.

How Can You Care for Your Scars During Recovery from a Breast Lift?

Immediately following your breast lift procedure, it is essential to keep the scars and incision sites clean to avoid infection. Ways you can care for your scars during your recovery include:

  • Take proper care of the incision sites and keep them covered and protected
  • Wear sunscreen whenever the scar may be exposed to the sun
  • Apply silicone-based hydrating gel once healed
  • Wear a supportive bra, especially when exercising
  • Keep your body well-hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day and avoiding alcohol

What Should You Discuss with Your Surgeon About Scarring Before the Surgery?

During your breast lift consultation, Dr. Teotia will discuss the scarring you can expect after your breast lift based on the type of incisions she recommends for your procedure. You can also discuss treatments to help reduce scarring that refuses to fade, including topical creams, skin care products, injections, or non-invasive skin treatments.

Ready to Get Started?

Breast lift surgery can provide remarkable results in rejuvenating a youthful breast position and contours. While scars are inevitable, they will improve significantly over time with proper aftercare. To achieve the best possible outcome, choose a skilled surgeon, follow all post-operative instructions, and practice scar-minimizing techniques.

During your private consultation, Dr. Teotia will carefully plan your breast lift procedure to achieve an excellent outcome that boosts your confidence and overall comfort. Contact us today if you are ready to transform your figure and embrace a new, more confident chapter of life.