
Neck Lift Recovery Dos and Don’ts

While you may be diligent about moisturizing and applying sunscreen to the skin on your face, neglecting your neck can have consequences like the development of jowls, wrinkles, a double chin, and a “turkey neck.” Combined, these issues can make you look older and heavier than you are. If you are frustrated by trying to conceal your aging neck with scarves and turtlenecks, a neck lift is an ideal way to solve multiple cosmetic problems at once. 

Dr. Stephanie Teotia, an experienced plastic surgeon in Dallas, TX, has perfected a comfortable, in-office neck lift technique that involves a combination of local anesthesia and sedation with Pro-Nox, a blend of oxygen and nitrous oxide. This approach makes the surgery more affordable, reduces the risk of complications, and shortens the recovery period. To give you realistic expectations, here is our list of things you should and should not do while you are healing from a neck lift.

Recovery Dos

For speedier, more comfortable healing, take these steps.

1. Wear a Compression Dressing for at Least a Week

Recovering from an in-office neck lift takes about one to two weeks. During your initial healing period, we recommend wearing a provided compression dressing to support your neck and minimize swelling. By the end of your first week after surgery, you will return for a follow-up appointment to have your stitches removed.

2. Carefully Follow All Provided Post-Surgical Instructions

We will send you home with detailed directions on cleaning and caring for your incisions. Diligently following these instructions will ensure a smoother recovery process with less risk of infection or other complications.

3. Arrange for Help Around the House

Though a neck lift is a relatively straightforward procedure, undergoing any surgery can put strain on your body. Keeping that in mind, we recommend taking care of some routine chores ahead of time and making sure a responsible adult is available to help you around the house while you recover – especially if you have young children. Allowing yourself extra time to rest will help you minimize stress while you heal.  

4. Take Time Off Work

In the initial days of neck lift recovery, your neck will feel sore and tight, with some bruising and swelling typically lasting just over a week. Most people feel well enough to return to work a week or two after surgery. However, you may need more time if your job involves physical activity or heavy lifting. Use your neck lift recovery period as an opportunity for relaxing self-care activities like reading and meditating.

Recovery Don’ts

Here are some things we do not want you to do while you are healing from your in-office neck lift.

1. Smoking

If you are a smoker, we expect you to quit before neck lift surgery and stay smoke-free during and after your recovery. Cigarette smoke contains hundreds of toxic chemicals that prematurely age the skin. Smoking also impedes the healing process because it restricts blood flow throughout your body.

2. Strenuous Exercise

Following a neck lift, you will need to take it easy for at least two weeks. During this time, you will need to avoid heavy lifting, intense workouts, or bending over. However, we encourage you to take light walks around your house, yard, or neighborhood – not to challenge yourself but to stimulate your circulation and promote faster healing.

3. Sleeping on Your Side or Stomach

While you are recovering from neck lift surgery, you should sleep on your back with your head elevated above your heart. If you naturally prefer sleeping on your stomach or side, try surrounding yourself with pillows to prevent you from unconsciously rolling over.

4. Rushing Your Recovery

You can put yourself at risk of post-surgical complications if you push yourself to do too much too soon. Healing from surgery involves staying calm and avoiding anxiety.

Learn More About Your In-Office Neck Lift in Dallas

If you are looking for a plastic surgeon who takes a patient-first approach and prioritizes trust and communication, reach out to us today to start your partnership with Dr. Teotia. During your consultation, she will explain more about what to expect from a neck lift.