Tag Archives: Neck Lift

How to Fix a Turkey Neck, Jowls, or Sagging Face with No General Anesthesia

While aging brings us wisdom and experience, some of the changes it involves are less desirable. Over the years, gradual collagen loss makes the skin thinner and less elastic, which can lead to significant laxity. In addition, the facial fat pads that are a characteristic of youth shift downward, causing volume loss and sagging. As… Read More

Neck Lift Recovery Dos and Don’ts

While you may be diligent about moisturizing and applying sunscreen to the skin on your face, neglecting your neck can have consequences like the development of jowls, wrinkles, a double chin, and a “turkey neck.” Combined, these issues can make you look older and heavier than you are. If you are frustrated by trying to… Read More

How Can I Expect My Neck Lift to Look Over Time?

Over time, skin can lose its elasticity as aging takes its toll. While many people take steps to protect their facial skin from the cumulative effects of sun damage and wrinkles, they may neglect the equally vulnerable skin on their neck. As a result, your neck may age more rapidly, making you look years older…. Read More